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Avoiding the Garden-Seed Minefield
Notes by Rosemary Wessel, February 2011
As more and more people become aware of the dangers of genetically-modified seeds and the stronghold that Monsanto has on our food supply, I've begun collecting information on where to get non-Monsanto-owned varieties.
Here's an excellent article from Sierra Permaculture, listing seed companies to avoid and, for Territorial Seed Company, which varieties are from Seminis, a subsidiary of Monsanto. The article encourages people to write to Territorial to ask them to drop the Monsanto-owned varieties, a move that currently has them on the fence.
- If you wish to contact Territorial and urge them to drop all ties with Seminis/Monsanto.
Another one on the fence is Johnny's Seeds. They currently offer 40 varieties of Seminis/Monsanto owned seeds and says they're working on finding alternative suppliers for them, but has not dropped them altogether.
- Here's their statement on the issue
- Here's how to write to them if you want to let them know you support breaking all ties with Monsanto
(all links to their sites, click away!)
- High Mowing Organic Seeds
- Seed Savers Exchange
- Botanical Interests
- Pinetree Seeds
- FedCo Seeds
- Hart Seeds (available locally at the Old Creamery!)
* Totally Tomato
* Vermont Bean Seed Co.
* Burpee
* Cook’s Garden
* Earl May Seed
* Gardens Alive
* Lindenberg Seeds
* Mountain Valley Seed
* Park Seed
* T&T Seeds
* Tomato Growers Supply
* Willhite Seed Co.
* Nichol’s
* Rupp
* Osborne
* Snow
* Stokes
* Jungs
* R.H. Shumway
* The Vermont Bean Seed Company
* Seeds for the World
* Seymour’s Selected Seeds
* Roots and Rhizomes
* McClure and Zimmerman Quality Bulb Brokers
* Spring Hill Nurseries
* Breck’s Bulbs
* Audubon Workshop
* Flower of the Month Club
* Wayside Gardens
* Park Bulbs
* Park’s Countryside Garden
(See comments above about ...)
* Territorial Seeds
* Johnny's Seeds
If you find any more info, please share!
EMAIL ROSE with more information. |