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Yahoo Group

for email bulletins
and discussion.

bag share bag pictureBAG-SHARE SITE

Check in for all the latest events and announcements!
Join in today and help put an end to disposable bag use through this unique initiative.

camille the flying cowWhat's Going On at the Creamery?
Events at the
Heart of Our

75% off insulation
and air sealing!

Could your home use more insulation or other energy efficiency improvements? Now is a great time to take advantage of generous incentives! If your home is served by Western Massachusetts Electric Company, National Grid or Berkshire Gas Company, your cost to insulate or seal your home through the MassSAVE program could be reduced by 75% (up to $2000)!

Call 1-866-527-7283 or visit the MassSAVE website to see about scheduling a free energy audit and getting an insulation proposal.

Online Reading Room

Submit timely online articles, videos and websites on the environment, sustainable living, organic farming and so on. URL for link and a brief description will be posted in the reading room pages.

Say No To GMOs - This site offers extensive information on the complex and controversial issue of genetic engineering.

The Organics & Non-GMO Report - The Organic & Non-GMO Report is the only monthly newsletter that provides information you need to respond to the challenges of genetically modified (GM) foods.


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